35 Movies That Will Be Super Awkward To Watch With Parents


7. American Beauty

One of the great movies by Sam Mendes, this movie about a middle aged man going through a midlife crisis and his dreams about his daughter’s best friend, are what most would call indecorous.

Source: theartmad

8. Bruno

One name: Sacha Baron Cohen. Embarrassment guaranteed.

Source: Justjared

9. Borat

Another name: Sacha Baron Cohen. Total vulgarity.

Source: shop-brigite

10. The Dictator

One guess: Sacha Baron Cohen. Extremely funny, yet so disturbing to watch in front of your parents.

Source: pixshark

11. Ted

Seth MacFarlane, creator of Family Guy, also wrote this extremely foul-mouthed teddy who also likes to flirt with girls, have lots of sex. Also starring, Mark Wahlberg.

Source: moviecricket

12. American Psycho

This satire might have broken quite a few moulds in its time, however the nudity and the violence are beyond living-room limits.

Source: ferdyonfilms